
BM80: Resolution on Human Rights Crisis in Academia in Belarus in the period December 2020 – May 2021

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After Black Thursday (12.11.2020) when a number of students and a teacher were detained the scale of repressions did not diminish, but they changed their pattern. Vice-Rectors for Security and Human Resources appeared in most universities, the majority of actions aimed to oppress Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly are being implemented by them. Furthermore, it is important to mention that university administrations in Belarus are maintaining repressive politics expelling the most active students. In some universities, administrations created special conditions under which students could not pass their exams during the winter session. As a result, these students were also expelled. Administrations also monitor the attendance rate of active students. Additionally, student dormitories are being raided by police and students being arbitrarily kidnapped by them. It is to our deep disturbance to mention that students are facing flagrant criminal and administrative charges and being invited for a conversation with the Police.

The situation with teachers is essential to be noticed. The most active teachers were reprimanded. Some teachers were deprived of their salary bonuses. Some of the teachers were dismissed, the others were not renewed.

Parliament has passed amendments to the education code that now allow students to be expelled for 36 academic hours or 16 classes without any formal warning. For instance, previously, students could be expelled only after two reprimands. Since notice of administrative detention has not considered a sufficient reason for missing classes, students can be expelled for administrative arrest without reprimands.

Emphasising the Human Rights Crisis students and all other peaceful protesters face and considering previous condemnations and calls, BSA repeatedly urges the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus to release all students arrested for exercising the right to a peaceful demonstration of political position. Bearing in mind the higher mentioned facts of scholars rights’ violations, BSA reiterates its suggestions to international stakeholders to consolidate efforts to achieve the cessation of Human Rights violations in Belarus, followingly, BSA calls for actions:

  • NUSs to announce their position on inadmissibility of either financial or any other forms of partnership with the illegitimate regime in respective countries:
  • to call on universities to stop partnerships with Belarusian universities reported being oppressive towards its members.
  • BFUG to call upon the Ministry of Education of Belarus to report publicly on current scholars’ rights situation in the country.
  • UN and OSCE further to increase cooperation with Belarusian Human Rights organisations in collecting and processing shreds of evidence of severe Human Rights violations, such as torture.
  • International banks, such as but not limited to EIB, IMF, WB to stop any forms of financial aid for Belarus until the identified constant cessation of Human Rights infringement.

EIB – European Investment Bank

IMF – International Monetary Fund

WB – World Bank

UN – United Nations

OSCE – Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe

Proposed by: BSA
Seconded by: USI, UAS, LSVb, BOSS, ÖH


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