April 2008
 Issue 4
Dear Friends,
Since January 2008, ESU has been sending the Student Voice out to over 2000 interested parties, including our members, alumni, Members of the European Parliament, Commissioners, Media and so on. Every week, over 50 new people sign up to receive the newsletter via the link on our website. As a general rule, we aim to make the newsletter as collaborative an effort as possible, inviting members to share their news More...
ESU Seminar on Equity - May 6th-8th
treeThe equity seminar is the launching conference of a two-year project titled 'Equity in Higher Education from a Student Perspective'. The project aims to collect research about equity in higher education, as well as develop sustainable training materials that can be used by national unions of students.  It will involve national unions of students in all stages and is aimed to inform you of our state of the art discussions on the topic.
In This Issue
ESU Seminar on Equity
ECTS Under the Spotlight
Gender and Study-Choice
Hungary Abolishes Tuition Fees
"Let's Go!" Campaign Update
EQF Conference
Upcoming Events
May 5-8: Seminar on Equity in HE
May 9-11: ESU Board Meeting
June 08: Lisbon Training, Brussels
Join Our Mailing List!
ECTS Under the Spotlight

The European Credit Transfer and accumulation System (ECTS) is a burning issue on the European level. The new ECTS key features were adopted in December 2007.
The basic rules of the ECTS system stay the same: "6O ECTS credits are attached to the workload of a full-time year of formal learning (academic year) and the associated learning outcomes". After intense debates, learning outcomes and workload are still recognized as the two pillars of ECTS. The new topics which are emphasized in this version are the lifelong learning and the non formal and informal learning. It is important that lifelong learning is linked to ECTS because it can facilitate the recognition mechanism, and as such develop the further education and also widen the access to Higher Education. This one page long document will find more sense and will be more understandable when the new version of the ECTS Users Guide will be ready. More...
What Does Study-Choice have to do with Gender?
The choice of study is often gender-based, since there are existing obstacles and attitudes that affect the individual's choice. This is obvious in many subjects, for example in nursing and social science, which are female dominated, and in male dominated subjects like science, engineering and technology.
When this is stressed, it's not a criticism on those females that choose to study nursing or males that wish to study engineering, but saying that we need to remove obstacles and break stereotypes, that prevent individuals from choosing male/ female dominated subjects, based on the strong feeling that they don't belong there.More...
Hungary Abolishes Tuition Fees
In February 2006, politicians responsible for Higher Education from the four main Hungairan parties agreed not to introduce tuition feees in Hungary. However, just 5 months later, The Hungarian Parliament passed a bill introducing tuition fees, ignoring student protests and statements. Follow the link to see a timeline of the struggle which finally saw tuition fees abolished in March 2008! We would like to congratulate our Hungarian Member, HOÖK on the efforts which saw them prevail, and to thank all the fellow national unions across Europe who leant their support to this cause. See a timeline...

Mobility Campaign Update
lets go logoThe"Let's Go" campaign has been moving forward. Fliers, posters, banners have been developed and can be downloaded from the Campaign web site:
Another feature on the website is the Draft Petition that addresses Ministers responsible for higher education to move on mobility. Many promises within the Bologna Process have to be fulfilled in order to give staff and students to opportunity to work or study abroad. The petition will be used by national campaign partners to gather support for the campaign. You are welcome to comment on the petition.  Once final, the petition will be distributed to national and European authorities. We are again encouraging all of you to take active role in the campaign. This is a unique chance to show that we want to be mobile and we want a European Higher Education Area without barriers and borders.
Toward a National Qualifications Framework
The European Students' Union organised The Validation Conference of the 'Towards a National Qualifications Framework' Project, from the 21st to the 22nd of April 2008, in Lake Bled, Slovenia. The conference was the final event of this project aimed at facilitating mutual exchange of experiences between stakeholders from different countries in setting up a National Qualifications Framework (NQF), implementing the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) by aligning their NQF to it and putting in place supporting instruments necessary to allow for the full success of the EQF. Visit our project page to read More...
European Students' Union
20 Rue De LA Sablonnière
1000 Bruxelles

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