The Monthly Newsletter of the European Students' Union
November 2009
 Issue 18
International Students' Day
During a three-day November 17 conference in Brussels, speakers from the student movements in Europe, Latin America and Asia spoke about the challenges in their regions, and expresses their wish for continued global student cooperation. Iranian students were not able to come, but sent a video greeting.

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ESU publishes Equity handbook
Next week, ESU publishes "The Equity Handbook: How you and your student union can help give people equal opportunities in higher education". The handbook provides  tips about campaigning and activism, as well as information about particular issues such as underrepresented groups and obstacles for those who want to enter higher education.

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ESU Board Meeting and seminar
Next week, ESU organises its 57th BM and seminar. Doctoral studies, equity and the link between research and education are themes of the seminar. At the BM, ESU's members will discuss a lifelong learning policy paper, the ESU budget for 2010, a long-term strategy and vision for the organisation, and more.

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Africa-Europe project discusses access issues
This week, a project workshop in Addis Ababa discussed access, retention, student diversity, and more issues. The workshop was part of the project "Access to Success: Fostering Trust and Exchange between Europe and Africa". ESU is a partner in the project.

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In This Issue
International Students' Day
Equity handbook
ESU BM and seminar
Africa-Europe project
Upcoming ESU Events
19-21st November: European Quality Assurance Forum, Copenhagen

22nd-29th November: Seminar and  Board Meeting 57, Krakow
ESU in the Media
The European Voice: Loans could get students moving
HE News in Brief
German students protest university reform

EUA warns of inadequate spending

Virtual campus for Iraq
Interesting bits from elsewhere
You can now download the Eurostudent III (2005-2008) report for free here.

Read news from the European University Association (EUA) here.
European Students' Union
20 Rue de la Sablonnière
1000 Bruxelles

For more information contact:
Olav Øye:
Allan Päll:

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