The Monthly Newsletter of the European Students' Union
October 2009
 Issue 17
ESU comments to EU Commission mobility paper
For people who want to study abroad, the fear of not having the mobility period recognised as academically meaningful leads many students to stay home. ESU demands that governments sign and ratify the Lisbon convention of recognition. This is one of the measures ESU proposes in its reaction to the European Commission's discussion paper on learning mobility.

Read the whole reaction here.
Time for a paradigm shift: student-centred learning
ESU starts a major project on student-centred learning. The project runs until the end of October 2010, and is done in cooperation with Education International, the European and global teachers' trade union. Among other things, the project will produce a research report, a survey, and a toolkit for those who want to explore the concept of student-centred learning.

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Economic crisis survey and Stockholm declaration
Students from across Europe gathered in Stockholm on October 16-18 to discuss the social dimension in higher education. ESU also presented the results from a member survey on the impact of the economic crisis on students and higher education.

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Light on the rights campaign
On November 16-18, ESU and OBESSU will mark the International Students' Day with a conference on students' role in democracy in the past and today.

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ESU seminar will discuss research-education link
The seminar is titled "The link between Higher Education and Research, the 3rd Cycle and Doctoral Students", and takes place in Krakow, Poland, on November 23-25. Participants will discuss the topics from an individual, an institutional and a European level perspective.

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In This Issue
EU mobility paper reaction
Student-centred learning project
Economic crisis survey
Democracy conference
ESU seminar on research-education link
Upcoming ESU Events
16-18th November: International students day commemoration, Brussels

19-21st November: European Quality Assurance Forum, Copenhagen

22nd-29th November: Seminar and  Board Meeting 57, Krakow
ESU in the Media
Europe: Call to scrap Erasmus

Norway: Increasing social differences
HE News in Brief
Iran: Students arrested

UNESCO: Education a priority for new DG

UK: Universities 'betraying' foreign languages
Project news
You can download the HEXTLEARN newsletter here.
Interesting bits from elsewhere
You can now download the Eurostudent III (2005-2008) report for free here.

Read news from the European University Association (EUA) here.
European Students' Union
20 Rue de la Sablonnière
1000 Bruxelles

For more information contact:
Olav Øye:
Allan Päll:

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